A lot has happened since the class of 2023 started wearing their white coats in May; they completed their first-year of pharmacy school and their community introductory pharmacy practice experience, or CIPPE, and returned to campus for year No. 2.
One conspicuous thing didn’t happen; they haven’t attended their own white coat ceremony. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the college to postpone the spring 2020 ceremony until a later date. But in the meantime, the college celebrated with the virtual event White Coat Official: An End of CIPPE Celebration, Aug. 7.
Julie Johnson, Pharm.D., dean and distinguished professor in the UF College of Pharmacy, praised the class for their hard work and resiliency. The pandemic upended plans, but students persevered with their own responsibilities and many of them contributed to relief efforts, like preparing PPE, testing and helping with contact tracing.
Keynote speaker Jennifer Van Doren Egger, Pharm.D., a 2018 graduate of the college, invited students to develop two specific attributes: professionalism and intellectual humility.
On professionalism, she reminded students that they represent more than themselves and the university, but the profession as well.
On intellectual humility, she told students they would never know everything, and to not be afraid to admit when they don’t know an answer. “Be honest with your professors, honest with your peers and honest with your patients,” she said. “Humility works in cooperation with professionalism.”
Two hundred forty-one students were recognized at the virtual event that honored their CIPPE completion. CIPPEs are a four-week experience in a community practice setting, under preceptor supervision. The primary intent of the CIPPE is to facilitate students’ continuing professional development in the context of the community pharmacy practice setting.