The Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, Jatinder Lamba, Ph.D., oversees both the graduate education and research activities in the college.

The research activities of the college are coordinated with the assistance of the Research Office of the shared services center. This team supports the research activity of faculty both pre and post-award.
The Regulatory and Compliance Office also supports research activities by providing assistance in navigating requirements for conducting human subject or animal research, as well as data use, transfer and sharing, and material use agreements.
Graduate Education
The UF College of Pharmacy on-campus graduate program currently offers five concentrations: Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, and Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences. These five areas of research come together to encompass the entire life cycle of a drug. Graduate students are actively involved in research activities in each of these areas under the mentorship of award-winning research faculty.
The Graduate Education Committee (GEC) meets regularly to review graduate education policies and recommend improvements to the program and is comprised of the five department graduate coordinators, the Office of Graduate Education staff, the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, and a graduate student representative. The graduate students collectively elect their representatives to serve on the UF College of Pharmacy Graduate Student Council (GSC), which provides graduate students with a connection to college leadership and a voice in decision-making.
The Office of Graduate Education serves as the contact for graduate students and graduate faculty in the college. This office provides ongoing support to on-campus graduate students and coordinates all graduate education matters, including admission, graduate assistantships, enrollment management, assessment reporting and strategic planning. It also coordinates graduate student events and activities including the Annual Research Showcase and Academic Year Kickoff.