Search results for natural product

Showing 71 - 80 of 97 results

A Florida coastal seaweed could help fend off cancers and inflammatory diseases

A new defense against prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men in the United States, may come from a seaweed found off the coast of Florida. University of Florida pharmacy researchers have screened various seaweeds with cancer-preventive potential and identified one that shows particular promise. They isolated specific compounds in this common green alga,...

Graduate and Post-doctoral Pharmacy Students Compete at the 25th Annual Research Showcase

The University of Florida College of Pharmacy on Feb.16, held its 25th Annual Research Showcase and Awards Recognition day. Keynote Speaker Maria Miralles, Ph.D., a senior pharmaceutical management advisor for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), provided insight into the Global Heath research objectives and funding opportunities for investigators through the USAID. A...

Medicinal Chemistry

The department of medicinal chemistry is located in the University of Florida College of Pharmacy and is an integral part of UF Health. The department has excellent research facilities dedicated to major areas of medicinal chemistry research, and faculty in the department have been highly successful in attracting extramural research support. UF’s Preeminence initiative in...

Chemical Synthesis and Drug (or Probe) Development

For selected compounds (by ourselves or in collaboration), we are devising synthetic methods to probe structure–activity relationships (SAR) and to obtain larger quantities of material for biological evaluation, including toxicity, pharmacokinetic and efficacy studies in animal models, which we will carry out in due course. Molecules of interest include largazoles and apratoxins, which we discovered and...

Luesch Lab Members

Research Assistant Professors           Qi-Yin Chen, Ph.D. (Total Synthesis) Research Assistant Professor Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China M.S. Applied Chemistry, Central South University, Changsha, China B.S. Chemistry, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, China Ranjala Ratnayake, Ph.D. (Natural Products Chemistry) Research Assistant Professor & Assistant...

Functional Genomics and High-Throughput Screening

In parallel efforts, we are carrying out studies to reveal the function and action of genes/proteins that are putatively involved in cancer, aging and neurodegeneration. Candidate genes identified by high-throughput genome-wide cDNA and RNAi screening are subjected to molecular and biological characterization including structure-function studies in cell- and animal-based models. The ultimate goal is to...

Target Identification and Mode of Action Studies

Drug target identification and mode of action studies for molecules discovered through phenotypic screens usually represent a bottleneck in drug discovery. The limited abundance of compound available for characterization studies is an additional fundamental concern in natural products drug discovery, particularly if the structural complexity precludes chemical synthesis in a timely manner. Genomic and proteomic...

Compound discovered in Florida Keys shows early promise as colon cancer treatment

A chemical compound made from a type of bacteria discovered in the Florida Keys by a University of Florida pharmacy researcher has shown effectiveness in fighting colon cancer in preclinical experiments. Writing online in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, scientists say the compound — known as largazole because it was first found near...

College History

1923 The first entering class of 43 students registered for classes in Science Hall, now Flint Hall and Peabody Hall. Townes R. Leigh, Head of the Department of Chemistry, was appointed Director of the School of Pharmacy by President Murphree. The School of Pharmacy offered the Graduate of Pharmacy degree (Ph.G.), the Pharmaceutical Chemist degree...