Amara Yunus, a fourth-year student at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy’s Orlando campus, has been named one of 11 Regional Liaisons for Phi Lambda Sigma, a pharmacy leadership society. Regional Liaisons serve the society by interacting with each collegiate chapter in their region to ensure seamless communication exists between the national office and chapters.
Yunus has been selected as a Regional Liaison based on her commitment to leadership and advancing the pharmacy profession. She was inducted into the Iota Chapter of Phi Lambda Sigma in the spring of 2020 and served as the chapter president during the 2020-2021 academic year. She is currently a member of the executive board in the immediate past-president role. During Yunus’ third year of pharmacy school, she served as the policy vice president of the Orlando chapter of American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists and the vice regent of the Epsilon Mu Chapter of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc.
“One of my favorite parts of the Regional Liaison position is the opportunity to connect with various chapters throughout the region,” Yunus said. “The Regional Liaison position is unique in that I will be in constant connection with both the national executive board and local chapter executive boards, allowing me to develop my own connections while facilitating chapter and leadership development for collegiate chapters. I’m excited to be able to give back to my region and help chapter leaders collaborate, share their experiences and develop ideas.”
Phi Lambda Sigma was established in 1965 to develop leadership qualities among pharmacy students and pharmacists and to recognize leaders in the profession. Members are selected based on peer recognition. Such recognition instills and enhances self-confidence, encourages the less active student to a more active role and promotes greater effort toward the advancement of pharmacy.