Submit an event request Event Request Event Name* Organizer's Name* First Last Email* Phone*Number of attendees*<2526–5051–8081–100101–200>200Begin Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY End Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Describe event (check all that apply)* Alumni Event Student Event Reunion Reception Lunch/Dinner Event Faculty Speaker Event Awards Ceremony Meeting/Symposium Who is the audience? (check all that apply)* Alumni & Friends of the College Faculty Post-docs Graduate students Pharm.D. students Staff Parents and Families Targeted Alumni What type of communication mediums are required? (check all that apply) Print Invitation Email Invitation Social Media Website On a scale from low to high, what is the visibility of this event and how closely does it match to a critical mission area for the College of Pharmacy?* High Level Medium Level Low Level Do you have an event budget established or would you like assistance developing a budget?* Please provide your fund number. Which of the following items will you need for your event? (check all that apply) Photography Videography Audio Visual RSVP Tool Does this event require assistance from the development team?* Yes No Please give a brief description of the objective of your program/event.*Email