SHPEP scholars participate in mass casualty training
The participants cycled through in different groups, acting as first responders then victims, then moving inside to learn about treating some of the presented injuries.
The participants cycled through in different groups, acting as first responders then victims, then moving inside to learn about treating some of the presented injuries.
The University of Florida College of Pharmacy was honored to host the 10th International Conference on Life Long Learning in Pharmacy 2014 in Orlando, FL in June. The first meeting held in the United States since 1994, this year’s theme, The Magic of Discovery: What Lies Ahead, was designed…
The 10th International Conference for Life Long Learning in Pharmacy, hosted this year by the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, will launch at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on June 2. This year’s program, The Magic of Discovery: What Lies Ahead, begins with a welcome from…
Student pharmacists invited a U.S. Congressman to the University of Florida College of Pharmacy on Feb. 7, for an exchange on pharmacy education and national policymaking. As leaders in the American Pharmacists Association’s Academy of Student Pharmacists, Amy Kiskaddon, past president, and Amy Shook,…
Jacob Henson, an Army veteran who served in Iraq, received his pharmacy degree on May 7 after completing coursework using distance learning technology from the UF College of Pharmacy’s campus in St. Petersburg, Fla. Henson is the first person in his family in more than seven generations to graduate as…