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Research Showcase

34th Annual Research Showcase breaks record for most posters and oral presentations

The UF College of Pharmacy’s 2021 Annual Research Showcase featured a record number of poster presentations, as participants embraced a new format in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the addition of a new postdoctoral trainee category, the event also featured more oral presentations than ever before. The hybrid…

UF Pharmacy breaks poster record at 33rd Annual Research Showcase

The UF College of Pharmacy’s 2020 Annual Research Showcase featured a record number of poster presentations, as the popularity of the event builds year after year. The 105 poster and nine oral presentations explored diverse topics, including how not to grow marijuana and the relationship between asthma medications and type…

UF College of Pharmacy Holds 28th Annual Research Showcase

The UF College of Pharmacy held its 28th research competition on Feb. 19, with graduate student presenters in the oral competition, and posters entered in three categories; graduate students, professional students, and postdoctoral fellows. This year’s showcase was coordinated by Hendrik Luesch, Ph.D., an associate professor and Debbie and Sylvia…