The University of Florida has been honored by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative, or IPEC, for a poster demonstrating the power of simulation in interprofessional education. Carol Motycka, Pharm.D., a clinical professor and assistant dean at the UF College of Pharmacy’s Jacksonville campus, represented the interdisciplinary team at IPEC’s fourth Virtual Poster Fair Showcase on Nov. 21.
More than 50 posters were presented at the IPEC showcase with UF’s submission among 11 selected as an award winner. The event featured contributions from 48 health professions programs representing the U.S., Australia, and Brazil.
“This interprofessional education activity aimed to strengthen teamwork among medical, nursing, and pharmacy students through four simulated scenarios, each designed with a medication error for students to identify and prevent,” Motycka said. “Our findings show that with each simulation, students improved their team communication skills, leading to fewer instances of patient harm and shorter delays in care delivery.”
Collaborating with Motycka on the poster were UF faculty members Eric Egelund, Pharm.D., Ph.D., from the College of Pharmacy; Brooke Russo, Ph.D., R.N., from the College of Nursing; and Jane Gannon, D.N.P., formerly of the College of Nursing.