The 2019 Crisafi Challenge was one for the record books, as alumni and friends of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy generously gave a record $139,357 in total commitments for student scholarships. Included in the final total is a $50,000 gift from Bob Crisafi, Ph.D., ’56, who challenged supporters to match and exceed his donation during a 10-day period. More than 180 individuals committed gifts in 2019, making the fifth year of the Crisafi Challenge the most successful yet.
Dr. Bob created the challenge to help the UF College of Pharmacy recruit the best and brightest pharmacy students and in five years the challenge has raised more than $435,000 for student scholarships. Every dollar raised this year will be shared with pharmacy students entering the college in fall 2020.
2019 Crisafi Challenge Donors
Paul Ackerman |
Anthony Allegretta |
Adel Alrwisan |
Leonardo Arteaga |
Meghan Arwood |
Kevin Astle |
Betty & Greg Astle |
Maria Barditch |
Tala Basha |
Susan Baumgartner |
Eric Beachy |
Diane Beck |
Susan Beltz |
Hetal Bhatt-Chugani |
Jeffrey Bourret |
Carolyn & John Boyle |
Richard Bragdon |
Joshua Brown |
George & Jeannine Browning |
Shauna Buring |
Trey Burry |
Roslyn Burttram |
Gary Cacciatore |
Larisa Cavallari |
Teresa Cavanaugh |
Lindsey Childs-Kean |
Marfreeia Clarke |
Alex Cobb |
Sabrina Conroy |
Jeffry M. Consaul |
Maria Cordero |
Emma Coscia |
David Crane |
Deborah Crumb |
Benny Cruz |
Stacey Curtis |
Diana Dang |
Philip Daniels |
Robert & Virginia Davio |
Anne Davis |
Jeffrey Delafuente |
Monica Delaorra |
David & Christine DeRemer |
Katelyn Dervay |
Marie Dimicco |
Yousong Ding |
Steve & Judy DiOrio |
Kevin & Alyssa Duane |
DuBow Family Foundation |
Tammy Dusenberry |
Tim Ebert |
Osita Ezenwa |
Debra Flanagan |
Reggie Frye |
William Garst |
Monica Gervais |
Steve Gillis |
Matthew Goldstein |
Nicole Gordon |
Valerie Griffith |
John & Ivey Gums |
Ryan Hale |
Ed & Ann Hamilton |
Marta Hamilton |
Gerald Hart |
Gerald Herndon |
Juan Hincapie-Castillo |
Cecilia Hines |
Mark Hobbs |
Guenther Hochhaus |
Thanh Hogan |
Connie & Gary Hogrefe |
Lindsey Hoop |
William Tzu-Wei Huang |
Max Hurley |
Robert Hurley |
Brynn Huysman |
Caitlin Jackson |
Lisa Jackson |
Margaret James |
Allan Jaochico |
Donald Johnson |
Julie Johnson |
April Johnston |
Mitchell Katros |
Adonice Khoury |
Youngha Kim |
Beth King |
Ashlan Kunz Coyne |
Luis Lamela |
Charlie Latorre |
Bruce Laughrey |
Michele Lennoz |
Philip Leung |
Bin Liu |
Lisa Lu |
Andre Mackey |
Michael MacLeay |
Kalen Manasco |
Oscar Marina |
John Markowitz |
Albert Marshall |
Janeen Martin |
Fred Matula |
Chris McCurdy |
Mary McIntyre |
Sophia Meuleman |
Janice Moody |
Joan Morales |
Carol Motycka |
Ruth Mulder |
Tom Mullen |
John Murphy |
Tom Musgrave |
Wambua Mwanthi |
Paul Myron |
David Newton |
Trang Nguyen |
Sven Normann |
Manuel Nunez |
Folakemi Odedina |
Brittany Orr |
Norma Padgett |
Lazarus Pahigian |
Jessica Palmer |
Robert Pasquariello |
Charles Peloquin |
Linda Perry-Ewing |
Charles Petalas |
Kathy Petsos |
Jeenu Philip |
Nicholas Piccicacco |
Marie Pierre |
Elizabeth Pitman |
Megan Poole |
Missy Poole |
David Potter |
Terry Reid |
Bob Renna |
Katherine Rhynard |
Donna Rivera |
Mary Lou Roberts |
John Ross |
Steve & Dora Rubin |
Tom & Janet Schmittgen |
Michael Schneider |
John Schriner |
Michael Schwartz |
Rich Segal |
Ashley Shipley |
Donna Shipley |
Steve Smith |
Susan Sorrells |
Kristy Marie Sowerby |
Joanie Spiro |
Bruce Stratton |
Nicholas Tambone |
John Taylor |
Yen Tollon |
Norman Tomaka |
Constance Upshaw |
Robert Walker |
David Wallace |
Gail Wells |
Kristen Wiisanen |
Maxine Wilkerson |
Karen Wilson |
Kevin Wilson |
Almut Winterstein |
Chengguo Xing |
Mary Beth Yokomi |
Renee Zawistowski |
Dhoha Zekri |
Guangrong Zheng |
Daohong Zhou |
Elizabeth Zipper |