Michelle Farland, Pharm.D., a clinical associate professor of pharmacotherapy and translational research, began her two-year term as president of the Team-Based Learning Collaborative, or TBLC, in July. As president, she will be responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership for the nonprofit organization, and she will chair the steering committee and annual business meeting.
The Team-Based Learning Collaborative is an organization of about 1,300 educators from around the world who encourage and support the use of team-based learning in all levels of education. There are two international communities within TBLC, with one in Europe and the other in the Asia-Pacific region. In her presidential role, Farland plans to increase the number of active members in the organization and engage the international communities in pursuing this goal.
Farland joined the UF College of Pharmacy in 2015. She previously served as director of the personal and professional development curriculum in the college before transitioning into a new role in July as division head of community-based pharmacotherapy. Farland has focused her research around outcomes of team-based learning. She is a certified team-based learning consultant and has provided numerous faculty development workshops, including a two-day team-based learning workshop offered annually at the University of Florida.