For her efforts to promote excellence in doctoral studies and mentor students in their pursuit of a graduate education, the Graduate School at the University of Florida has awarded Almut Winterstein, Ph.D., with a 2016-17 Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award. Winterstein, a professor and chair of the department of pharmaceutical outcomes and policy, was one of five UF graduate faculty members to receive the prestigious university award.
For more than 15 years, Winterstein has helped doctoral students find their passion for science and develop their roles in a larger scientific community. She has chaired 19 Ph.D. committees and served as a member on 14 committees in her department and other departments on campus. With a strong focus on helping students build independence as a researcher, Winterstein mentors students throughout their academic careers to gain deep insight, training and passion for their research. A believer in learning by doing, she involves doctoral students in her research team early on and encourages them to take ownership for the strength and limitations as well as the impact of their work. She strives to provide ample opportunities for students to build their vita and their scientific network and many of her students have assumed early leadership roles during their training. Because of the close bond with her students, Winterstein continues her mentoring role long after graduation.
“I believe that mentorship is not a temporary task but rather a personal, deeply-caring relationship, and I have stayed in close contact with all my students since their graduation,” Winterstein said. “Watching my students’ careers evolve has been the greatest reward of my work.”
The Graduate School will honor Winterstein, and the other 2016-17 Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award winners, at a reception later this spring.