The American College of Clinical Pharmacy Board of Regents has elected Stacy Voils, Pharm.D., a clinical associate professor of pharmacotherapy and translational research, as a Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, or ACCP. The fellowship in the college recognizes and rewards the highest levels of excellence in the practice and science of clinical pharmacy. It is the highest honor that ACCP can bestow on a member.
Voils was officially inducted as a Fellow on Oct. 23 at the ACCP Annual Meeting in Hollywood, Florida. He joined the UF College of Pharmacy in 2013 and was recently promoted to clinical associate professor in July 2016. In addition, he serves as a clinical pharmacy specialist in surgery at UF Health Shands Hospital.
Leslie Hendeles, Pharm.D., a founding member of ACCP and professor emeritus at the College of Pharmacy, delivered the keynote address at the ACCP Fellows Dinner on Oct. 23. Hendeles welcomed the incoming Fellows and attendees by highlighting the evolution of clinical pharmacy in the United States and the many ways that pharmacists are now helping patients. His speech titled, “We have come a long way from the hospital basement,” followed his own career path as a clinical pharmacist, from an intern in the basement of Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Los Angeles to a clinical researcher and participant in the care of asthma patients.